Board of Directors Approved 11/06/03
October 2, 2003

Present: Bardizbanian, Steiner, Frisbie, Olsen, Brooks, French, Wilson, Justus, Capozzo, Sottana
Ex-Officio: Koch
Guests: Keith Schuler, Insurance Representative
John Sconza, Master Plan Chairman
Ray Story, Green Superintendent

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of September 4, 2003
French motioned to approve, Wilson seconded.  The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's report was accepted.  Fell reminded the Board that the Employee Christmas Fund for 2004 needed to be determined.  Brooks motioned that the fund remain at $40.00 per membership.  Hughes seconded, the motion carried.

GVCC Liability Insurance - Representative, Keith Schuler
Mr. Schuler gave an overview of the Club's liability insurance.  Bids are obtained yearly for comparable coverage.  Olsen suggested that the Board appoint an Insurance Sub-Committee to review our coverages and deductibles.  Bardizbanian will contact Club members who are in the insurance industry to form this committee.

Long Range Planning Committee - John Sconza
Sconza requested $8,000.00 for a preliminary study to verify the requirements of an additional pump station on the G.V. Conduit.  Update the estimated costs to design, bid and construct a water service consisting of a dedicated pump and pipeline form the Solano Projects, Green Valley Conduit to the GVCC.
Olsen motion to approve $8,000 from the Long Range Funds,  Fell seconded.
Frisbie amended the motion to have the study expanded to the GV Homeowners.  The amendment failed due to a lack of a second.  The original motion carried.  Sconza is hoping to have the report in December.

Receiving bridge permits is ongoing.  It is unlikely to get the bridge repairs completed this year as the Fish & Game permit states no repair after October 15, 2003.
Power to the water well pump is temporarily delayed as the Club is corresponding with a homeowner on options from P.G.E. regarding a location for the transformer.

Golf: The committee responded to the Board request for a recommendation of a penalty for driving range misuse.
Signs at the driving range stating: "Anyone intentionally hitting balls out of the driving range boundaries will be subject to penalty.  1st Violation: 30 days loss of driving range privileges.  2nd Violation: 1 year loss of driving range privileges."
Dress Code:  The committee suggests signs be placed on all club holders at the range and at the pick up point of range balls.
Brooks motioned to approve, French seconded.  The motion carried.
The committee also stated not to revise the recently updated dress code policy.
House: Installation of sound panels is being reviewed. 
Dress Code:  The committee feels denim skirts, blouses, and jackets are acceptable but no jeans
Tennis: Repairs to the observation deck have been completed and the deck has reopened.  The committee supports all the Tennis Pro's tournaments.  Court(s) will be available for member play during tournaments.  The committee is requesting a 24 hour reservation notice.
Membership: The committee is working on an incentive program to present to the Board and supports the concept of financing the purchase of a membership.  The committee is still waiting for a response on a Corporate Class of Membership from the Club's attorney.
Finance: Preparing option plans for financing a membership.

Membership Sales
The finance committee feels that the price of a membership is the motivating factor and suggested lowering the minimum to $20,000 and the transfer fee to $12,000 for a six month period of time.  Fell motioned to approve, Wilson seconded.
After a lengthy discussion, Justus amended the motion to lower the minimum asking price to $15,000 and the transfer fee to $12,500 for six months; effective October 3, 2003 through March 31, 2004.  The amended motion was called to question.  5 yes / 5no.  The president broke the tie and the motion carried 6 yes/ 5 no.

Capozzo requested to waive the quarterly food and beverage minimum spending for members who are deceased with no surviving spouse.  The Board approved the request.

Staff Training Update
Staff food and beverage training classes are being held every other Wednesday.
Servers are requesting member to complete comment cards.
Capozzo requested that members who do not have a positive dining experience to let him know as soon as possible so that it can be reviewed and corrected.

Neighbor Request to Adjust Property Line
French informed the Board that at the end of September, the homeowner paid for a survey of their property line and will be in direct contact with Olsen.

Dress Code Update
Justus surveyed the majority of committees.  The response has been not to revise the updated dress code policy.  He is hoping to have results from all committees by the November Board.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
John Justus, Secretary

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